Hello from JWV Department of the Southwest!We trust this finds you and your family safe and healthy. Although we were hoping to be able to be in person already, it appears our first Department meeting of the year will be virtual.
Please join us Sunday, September 12th starting at 10AM. The room will be open starting at 9:45AM so we can start promptly at 10.
Please find your link below and remember to share it with other members of your Post. We will have regular business, a report from the annual convention, and updates from National. Please bring your ideas as well.
Join Zoom Meeting with this direct link:
Meeting ID: 894 8362 0001
Passcode: september
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Meeting ID: 894 8362 0001
Passcode: 698560178
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News from National
A Jewish Voice for Veterans, a Veteran’s Voice for Jews.The Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. (JWV) Newsletter keeps the Jewish American military and veteran community apprised of the latest news and updates from here in the capital in order to keep our leaders and future leaders informed of the latest comings and goings. Here’s what you need to know:
JWV’s 126th Annual National Convention was a success!
The convention featured several notable guest speakers and presenters, including Donald Remy, Deputy Secretary of the VA, and Kimberly Guise, Senior Curator of the National World War II Museum. We hope to see you all at the convention next year.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made this a safe and successful convention. If you weren’t able to join us in New Orleans, here are links to all of the sessions that were available to live stream last week:
NMAJMH event: Kimberly Guise, Senior Curator & Director for Curatorial Affairs at the National World War II Museum discussed the work of the museum and the experiences of Jewish-American POWs in World War II. https://youtu.be/PjgHsJadsn4
NEC Meeting: https://youtu.be/6k0BhAHoyfE
JWV/JWVA Joint Opening featuring Deputy Secretary of the VA Donald Remy: https://youtu.be/3Edf9PaJ_7E
NMAJMH Board of Directors Meeting: https://youtu.be/qg_p9O0DQew
National Commander’s Banquet: https://youtu.be/-20SHZeuVK4
Congratulations to our new National Commander Alan Paley and National Vice Commander Nelson Mellitz
Congratulations to PNC Michael Berman on being awarded the Murray L. Rosen Member of the Year Award, and to all those who won awards last week at our 126th Annual National Convention!
JWV Celebrates 125 Years To celebrate this milestone, order the 125th Anniversary commemorative pin! The pins are $5 each and a minimum of 5 pins per order is required. To place your order, e-mail or call Ben Kane at 202-448-5410. |
JWV Events Around the Country Are you having an online event that you want to invite the rest of JWV to attend? Do you want to attend JWV events from other posts or departments? You can now find the calendar at the bottom of our home page at www.jwv.org. To submit an event, please send an email to membership@jwv.org . |
Submissions for next The Jewish Veteran Have you or your post done something you want to share with JWV? Do you want to write an article about veteran issues? If you are interested in submitting photos or articles for the third issue of The Jewish Veteran in 2021, the deadline is September 2. Send items to editor@jwv.org. If you have questions, call Cara Rinkoff at (202) 265-6280 ext. 413. |